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Thailand: FTI warns wage hike hurts SMEs

The Federation of Thai Industries (FTI) has strongly opposed a sharp minimum wage hike, a campaign promise of many political parties, saying small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) will suffer the most from the policy as it will alter the market.  The federation proposed its white paper to five political parties yesterday, requesting support for business operators […]

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Full steam ahead for cruise tourism sector in Vietnam

VIETNAM’S sea tourism sector has reported annual growth of only two to three per cent, while other Asian countries have witnessed robust growth in cruise tourism in recent years. Last year, Saigontourist Travel Service Co provided services to about 474,000 cruise travellers, up 12 per cent compared with 2017. In the first two months of […]

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Indonesia deregulates palm oil exports

The new regulation on the export of palm crude oil (CPO) and its derivative products has taken effect and is part of the government’s plan to simplify the export procedures of the country’s major commodity. On Monday, the Trade Ministry announced the revocation of Trade Minister Regulation No 54/2015 on technical verification of exported palm […]

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