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Indonesia lures US to invest more

The administration is revising regulations on tax incentives for investment and seeks to pass them by the end of this month. Speaking to 41 US-based companies grouped under the US-ASEAN Business Council on Tuesday morning, the President underlined the significance of investment into Indonesia from the world’s top economy. “American investment into Indonesia has been […]

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Myanmar: Financial inclusion crucial to reducing inequality

Financial inclusion is vital for Myanmar’s economic growth as it benefits the country’s diverse communities and ethnic groups and narrows the divide between cities and rural areas. It also reduces gender inequality, according to developmental experts and officials. Officials, businesses and development partners at the National Financial Inclusion Forum in the capital yesterday focused on the […]

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Malaysia: Retailers see 4.7% growth for this year

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia’s retail sector, which grew 2% last year, is projected to grow 4.7%, or RM104.4bil in 2018, according to Retail Group Malaysia (RGM). “This projection is considered optimistic by members of Malaysia retailers association (MRA). The prospect of retail industry this year is still highly dependence on the economic performance and consumer confidence […]

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Amazon luring Thais for sales to US

More opportunities are opening for Thai small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as Amazon.com expands its footprint in business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce here as part of its Asean expansion outside of Singapore.  Amazon is using its Facebook page (facebook.com/AGSSEA) to encourage Thai merchants to sell on its platform targeting the US market.  In August last year, Amazon appointed […]

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