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Indonesia to nearly triple recipients of food aid program

The government plans to expand the number of non-cash food assistance program (BPNT) recipients from the current 1.2 million to 3.2 million households. The government is assessing the preparedness of the e-warung (electronic shops), which are appointed to handle the distribution of staple foods in 24 regencies and cities, said Coordinating Human Development and Culture Minister […]

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Philippine bond market fastest growing in East Asia – ADB

MANILA, Philippines — The Philippine bond market was the fastest-growing among other debt markets in the Emerging East Asia region in the fourth quarter of 2017, reflecting positive economic growth for the region and increased prospects of higher inflation, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) said. In its latest Asia Bond Monitor, the multilateral development bank […]

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Vietnam’s phone exports continue posting two-digit growth

The Hanoitimes – Exports of phones and spare parts skyrocketed by 68 percent until March 15, helping it become the first commodity to gain export revenue of more than US$10 billion this year. Besides phones, seven other products, including textile and garment, computers, electronic products and spare parts, equipments and footwear, also reported export turnover of […]

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Cambodia & Laos media invited to Malaysia

Malaysia Tourism Council and Culture of Malaysia tourism promotion group cooperated with AirAsia to invite Cambodian and Lao reporters from 10 news outlets to visit Malaysia. The purpose of the trip was to demonstrate the nation’s achievements in its tourism sector. The participating journalists visited many famous tourist sites, including: KL Tower, which is 420 […]

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Malaysia: Headline inflation to ease to 1.8%, says RAM

PETALING JAYA: RAM Rating Services Bhd expects headline inflation to ease markedly to 1.8% in February, following two consecutive months of decline. In January, headline inflation fell to 2.7% while in December, it was down to 3.5%. “The lower inflation in February is primarily attributed to negative growth contribution from transport fuel amid lower retail […]

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Philippines: BIR issues IRR on TRAIN Law

MANILA, Philippines — The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) has released three revenue regulations containing implementing rules and regulations (IRR) of the recently enacted tax reform law. Posted on the BIR’s website, Internal Revenue commissioner Caesar Dulay said Revenue Regulations (RR) 11, 12 and 13 amended existing rules involving withholding of income tax, estate and […]

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