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Indonesia – BI: Foreign Exchange Reserves in August Rise to 128.8tn USD

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Bank Indonesia (BI) recorded that the position of Indonesia foreign exchange reserves in August this year reached 128.8 trillion USD. This number is higher compared to the last position in July as much as US$127.8 trillion. “The increase is especially influenced by foreign revenues from taxes, oil and gas exports, and a BI auction, as well as the auction of foreign exchange securities (SBBI),” BI spokesperson Agusman, said in Jakarta on Friday, Sept. 8. The foreign exchange revenues, the […]

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Thailand: Govt sets B3 trillion tourism target

The government aims to achieve 10% growth in tourism income, or roughly 3 trillion baht, next year, by rolling out various tourism promotion packages to attract both Thai and foreign tourists to explore new destinations and promote longer stays in Thailand. The country’s tourism income has grown 8% already this year, compared to average annual […]

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Narrowing the inequality gap in Indonesia

When Indonesia declared independence from Dutch rule in 1945, the country’s founder, Sukarno, called on his people to build a nation that would “stand in strength”, eternally united. That mantra — unity and strength — helped shape the country’s future, including its approach to economic development. During much of Indonesia’s early history, its egalitarian distribution […]

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