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Philippines net liability position up in June

MANILA, Philippines — The country’s international investment position (IIP) weakened as of end-June due to higher net liability position, according to the Bangko Sentral ng Pillipinas (BSP). According to preliminary IIP data, the country’s net external liability position reached $33.8 billion, higher than the end-March level of $29.2 billion. This came as external financial liabilities […]

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Malaysia: Ringgit depreciates against US$

KUALA LUMPUR: The ringgit fell against the US dollar early Monday on lack of interest for the local currency as sentiment turned positive for the greenback a dealer said. At 9 am(0100gmt), the local traded at 4.2280/2310 against the greenback from 4.2190/2220 recorded at 6 pm on Friday. FXTM Reserach Analyst Lukman Otunuga said comments […]

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Indonesia: 2017 FIDIC Conference Expected to Attract Foreign Investment

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – The Indonesian Consultant Association (Inkindo) said that the 2017 International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC) Conference is expected to attract foreign investment into Indonesia. The conference is held at Jakarta Convention Center on October 1-3. Inkindo chairman Nugroho Pudji Rahardia said that consultants play a key role in convincing investors to invest in Indonesia. Therefore, Nugroho […]

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Go-Jek to Expand in SE Asia, Competes with Uber and Grab

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Ride-hailing company Go-Jek is planning to expand in Southeast Asia in a bid to compete with similar companies Grab and Uber Technologies Inc. Without specifying the countries that will become its target, Go-Jek CEO Nadiem Makarim said that Southeast Asian nations have a large population and adopt cash payment system. He pointed out that Go-Jek digital […]

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Overview of new Myanmar labour law guide

THE International Labour Organization (ILO) published its guide to Myanmar labour law on September 28. The project was funded by the European Union, Norway, Switzerland United States and the ILO. Since 2011, Nay Pyi Taw has requested ILO’s support for its legal reform process, including assisting the government to conduct a labour law review, aimed […]

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Thailand: Migrant workers fear missing deadline for visas

Long queues, a slow process and allegations of opportunists seeking money from those who want faster proceedings have marred the citizenship verification process for undocumented migrant workers from Myanmar. They are racing against time to receive legitimate working status in Thailand by the end of this year. In June, a new executive decree on foreign […]

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