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Indonesia: Capital Flow to Developed Countries Exceeds One Trillion Dollars

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – The research conducted by the Institute of International Finance (IIF) shows that developed countries will attract capital investments exceeding US$1 trillion or Rp13,463.6 trillion in 2017. According to IIF Executive Director Hung Tran, the positive atmosphere first started in 2014 during the improved economy of developing countries. In a report published on Tuesday in […]

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Thailand: K-Research: Export growth to reduce speed in 2018

Despite 2017’s upbeat growth prospects, exports are tipped to expand at a slower pace next year because of volatile crop prices and rising geopolitical tensions hitting global trade, says Kasikorn Research Center (K-Research). The continued price volatility of agricultural products, which account for 20% of exports, is likely to take a toll on 2018’s export […]

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Global monetary policy seen as risky

The rapid normalisation of monetary policy in advanced economies could create risks for highly leveraged developing countries, including Thailand, warns the World Bank. “There’s a possibility the normalisation could happen quickly, coupled with the high level of private sector debts in major economies in this region, and this could lead to some risks,” said Sudhir […]

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Brunei: Petrol supply, delivery running as usual: BSM

BRUNEI Shell Marketing Company Sdn Bhd (BSM) yesterday reassured the public the country’s supply of petrol is sufficient and that the delivery operation is being carried out as usual. BSM said this in a statement following the viral message on social media alleging that numerous filling stations were running out of petrol. The statement also […]

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