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Indonesia encourages Asean currencies in trade

JAKARTA: Indonesia’s central bank said on Monday it will allow transaction settlement for bilateral trade between Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand to be conducted in local currencies. The new regulation is aimed at reducing dependency on the US dollar and limiting exposure to volatile foreign exchange rates. The rule, which goes into effect on Jan 2 […]

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Thailand: New firms rise by 8% in September

The number of new businesses registered with the Commerce Ministry rose 8% in September, signalling the economy is continuing to recover, says the Business Development Department. Director-general Kulanee Issadisai said the number of new companies and partnership companies registered with the department was 6,532 last month, up 8% from the same period last year. The […]

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Indonesia: BI Issues Local Currency Settlement Rule

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Bank Indonesia (BI) has issued a regulation on the settlement of bilateral trade transactions using local currency settlement (LCS), such as rupiah. BI communication director Arbonas Hutabarat said via the central bank’s website that the regulation aims to support the rupiah stability by reducing dependence on the US dollar when settling bilateral trade transactions. […]

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