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Singapore to halt car population growth from next year

SINGAPORE: Singapore, one of the world’s most expensive places to own a vehicle, will not allow any growth in its car population from February, citing the small city-state’s land scarcity and billions of dollars in planned public transport investments. The Land Transport Authority (LTA) said it was cutting the permissible vehicle growth rate in the […]

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Philippines – BSP: Economists see 3.1% inflation for 2017

ECONOMISTS expect inflation to settle at 3.1 percent this year, slightly lower than the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas’ (BSP) full-year estimate of 3.2 percent. “Analysts noted possible upside risks to inflation such as volatile global oil prices, weaker peso, initial implementation of the comprehensive tax reform program, government spending on infrastructure, rise in utility rates, […]

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Indonesia: OJK Shuts Down 14 More Illegal Investment Businesses

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – The Financial Service Authority’s (OJK) Investment Task Force shut down 14 fund-collecting organizations in October. They are under suspicion of frauds or for operating without licenses.  “They are operating without a license or are offering products that may hurt investors’ finances, because the return rate they promise is ridiculous,” the task force’s chief Tongam […]

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E-commerce showdown

As Amazon.com pushes into Southeast Asia with a new venture in Singapore, the US-based online retailer is facing some tough hurdles. Shopping in air-conditioned malls is practically a national sport, and e-commerce rivals moved in long ago. Delivery delays also marred Amazon’s debut in July, when on-the-ground operations began with Prime Now two-hour deliveries. When […]

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