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Cambodia: Gender equality vital to boosting economic output

According to an Asian Development Bank (ADB) report, increasing job opportunities in decent work for women is essential for growth and vital for the advancement of economic and social development in Cambodia. However, it also said that attitudes toward providing decent work to men and women alike, irrespective of their ethnic origin and class, continue […]

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Cambodia: Cost and effect of a National Internet Gateway

The operation of the National Internet Gateway (NIG) will cost Cambodia approximately $50,000 per month in personnel salaries at its four facilities, according to one expert. The source, speaking under the condition of anonymity, said the figure provided was a rough estimate. It was based on the belief that workers at the four facilities would […]

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Cambodia: TV ads still effective and lucrative in the Kingdom

Despite the cord-cutting and digital-first phenomenon sweeping the globe, television advertisements in the Cambodian market remain a lucrative option for firms promoting a mass-market product. That’s according to Nancy Jaffe, former director for Nielsen Ratings’ Southeast Asia Cross-Platform Audience Measurement division in Singapore. “Digital advertisements are useful when targeting young, affluent urban professionals but television […]

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