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Brexit navigates UK towards ASEAN markets

BRITAIN’s trade envoy named development and education as two key areas of collaboration between the country and ASEAN during ASEAN@50 Business Forum, which was recently held in London and which marked the milestone of ASEAN’s founding. Brexit, together with the bloc’s anniversary, has sparked discussions among UK and Southeast Asian leaders about the future of the ASEAN-UK trade and […]

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Asean Summit seen as opportunity to attract more FDI

MANILA, Philippines — Local business leaders said this week’s gathering of regional and world leaders for the 31st ASEAN Summit in the country should serve as a venue not only to address key economic and political issues in the region, but also to attract foreign direct investments (FDI) into the country. “The ongoing ASEAN hosting […]

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ASEAN, Hong Kong sign free trade agreement

ASEAN and Hong Kong signed a free trade and investment agreement on Monday, hoping to strengthen economic cooperation between the two parties and stimulate development in the region. The two agreements, the ASEAN-Hong Kong, China Free Trade Agreement (AHKFTA) and the ASEAN-Hong Kong Investment Agreement (AHKIA), were signed at the the 31st ASEAN-Hong Kong summit […]

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Indonesia: Minister Doubts Economic Growth Target Attainable

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – The National Development Planning Minister and Bappenas chief Bambang Brodjonegoro estimates that this year’s economic growth target is difficult to achieve. In the amended state budget of 2017, the economy is targeted to grow 5.2 percent. “The government will struggle to reach 5.2 percent,” he said in Jakarta, Monday, November 13. The difficulty, according […]

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Indonesia Eyeing China’s Growing Coffee Market

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Eight Indonesian coffee entrepreneurs met with Chinese businessmen to form a strategy to increase the export value to the largest populated country in the world. “We had the initiative to gather them to construct a formula in increasing Indonesia’s coffee export value to China,” said Indonesia Consulate General in Guangzhou Ratu Silvy Gayatri on Monday, November […]

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