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The potential of digital healthcare

Unlike other sectors which can be completely disrupted by automation or technology, the healthcare industry is a space where technology can complement rather than threaten. The healthcare industry in the region is at an important juncture of its history. Demand for healthcare in the region has never been greater and is expected to rise even […]

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Vietnam: Vietcombank seeks permission to sell 10% stake to foreign investors

The Hanoitimes – This is a major step for Vietcombank, Vietnam’s largest lender by market value, to increase its charter capital by nearly 3.6 trillion (US$153.4 million) to VND39.5 trillion (US$1.7 billion), local media reported. The State Securities Commission of Vietnam (SSC), the country’s stock market watchdog, has confirmed the receipt of Joint Stock Commercial Bank […]

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Thailand: 8% export rise eyed for 2019

The government has set a lofty export growth target of 8% for next year, while the private sector believes the increase will be 5% at best, citing negative momentum from the prolonged US-China trade dispute.  Deputy Prime Minister Somkid Jatusripitak, who chaired Thursday’s joint meeting between businesses, Commerce Ministry officials and international commercial counsellors, said the government […]

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Cambodia, Thailand single visa

Cambodia and Thailand have agreed to promote the use of single visa for foreign tourits, particularly among those traveling within the Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy (ACMECS) countries. In the second Cambodia-Thailand tourism Ministers meeting held in Kampot, the two sides said they planned to bring up the idea of using ACMECS single visa for foreign tourists […]

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