
Cambodia: New MoU with Korea for tech centre

The Ministry of Industry and Handicraft will cooperate with two South Korean high-tech companies to establish a technology centre with the aim of facilitating the exchange of information on the development of optic cable technology.

The memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed last week in Gwangju, the sixth largest city in South Korea, between Cambodia’s Ministry of Industry and Handicraft, Gwangju Technopark and the Optic Cable Production Association in South Korea.

The new agreement says the ministry will focus on the legal framework and administrative procedures, Technopark will provide technical assistance and the Optic Cable Production Association in South Korea will assume liaison duties between the governments of Cambodia and South Korea as well as acting as a technical advisor.

Um Sotha, a spokesman at the Ministry of Industry and Handicraft, said the next step is to choose a location for the project.

According to a meeting in July between the Minister of Industry and Handicraft Cham Prasidh and Bae Jung Chan, the director of Gwangju Technopark, the South Korean company can play an important role in the technological development of the kingdom by sharing expertise and technology with Cambodian industrial parks, such as the special economic zones in Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville.

Source: http://www.khmertimeskh.com/5087660/new-mou-korea-tech-centre/