Lao Front outlines work plan for 2018
Political ideology training in particular and personnel development in general will be the main focus of the Lao Front for National Construction in the coming year.
The plan was disseminated at the plenary meeting of the Front Committee yesterday, which was chaired by the Lao Front’s President, Dr Xaysomphone Phomvihane.
Vice President of the Lao Front, Mr Khambay Damlath, presented a report on the Front’s achievements over the past year.
These included the enhancement of political ideology training for core officials, management of staff, soldiers, police officers and the multiethnic people, and other activities concerning ethnicity, religion, social strata and civil society.
Four advisory committees to the Front were set up – a committee on ethnicity, another on religion, a third on social strata, and an advisory committee on Lao people living overseas.
The Lao Front Committee acknowledged that insufficient understanding of the role and obligations of the Front by civil servants and employees of the Front at the central and local levels caused delays in the roll out of some activities.
Consequently, the Front Committee will continue to give political ideology training to civil servants and employees, multiethnic groups and people from various social strata. This is directed at enhancing their trust in the Party’s leadership, their awareness of the nation, self-ownership, and self-reliance in building their strength.
The Front will also pay attention to the development of families and villages in a spirit of solidarity as part of the process of building development villages and the implementation of the Party’s Sam Sang (Three Builds) directive.
To support this, the Front will strengthen personnel development through professional training in religion, social strata and civil society, and administrative work.
The Lao Front for National Construction Committee has more than 200 members, who represent Lao people from various ethnic groups, various social classes, religions, and professions.
In its plan for next year, the Committee will organise political ideology training for members who are responsible for the work of the Buddhist Fellowship Organisation and other religions at the central and local levels.
The Front will continue activities relating to people-based diplomacy in relations and cooperation with friendly countries.
The Front Committee is preparing amendments to the Law on the Lao Front, which they plan to submit to the National Assembly at its ordinary session this month.
The Front Committee is also preparing to visit foreign countries where some of its members are living, notably France, the United States of America, and Canada.