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Thailand: Draft bill on tax data exchanges gets hearing

The Revenue Department will push a draft bill on international data exchange stipulating that individuals and entities gather and submit tax-related information as required by authorities, part of efforts to give the tax-collecting agency better access to tax payment information, especially from those with foreign-based operations.  The bill, which is undergoing the public hearing process until Thursday, […]

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Bank Indonesia pushes use of national payment gateway

Bank Indonesia is stepping up efforts to increase consumers’ use of the newly established national payment gateway (GPN), according to interbank network provider PT. Artajasa Pembayaran Elektronis. Artajasa business director Anthoni Morris Morris said on Saturday that BI planned to carry out a number of programs in the second half of 2018, including the mass […]

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KL Singapore HSR high speed rail
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Malaysia approves a Singapore Rail Link, for now

SINGAPORE: Malaysia’s new government has called into question the future of multibillion-dollar rail projects since Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad took power in May. Now it appears to be ready to proceed with at least one. The Malaysian cabinet has given in-principle approval for a rail project linking Johor Baru in the southernmost tip of the […]

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