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New developments in anti-corruption compliance in Thailand

As in many countries around Asia, corruption is still a significant problem for Thailand. On the 2016 Corruption Perceptions Index compiled by Transparency International, Thailand ranked a poor 101st from a total of 176 nations. Given the country’s relatively weak position in this area, there have been questions in the past about the government’s appetite […]

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Vietnam: Real estate needs more foreign investment: experts

HANOI – The number of foreigners buying real estate products in Vietnam has increased, but the domestic property market needs policies to attract more foreign investment, according to experts. Nguyen Trong Ninh, director of the Housing and Real Estate Market Management Department under the Ministry of Construction, said a policy on licensing foreigners buying and owning […]

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Expert Predicts Indonesia’s Economy Will Improve in 2018

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Head of lntermediary Business Schroders Investment Management Indonesia Teddy Oetomo predicted that Indonesian economy in 2018 will be better than in 2017. This is resulted from the campaign period. “Next year, the number of elections will expand compared to that in 2017. In 2018, money circulating in the campaign will be stronger and higher in […]

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