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Thailand: Trade officials warn of Vietnam’s edge

Thai manufacturers and exporters are being urged to improve their competitiveness in the European market as prospective EU buyers may shift to cheaper goods from Vietnam after the EU-Vietnam free-trade agreement (FTA) became effective in August 2020. Auramon Supthaweethum, director-general of the Trade Negotiations Department, said EU buyers may consider importing products from Vietnam instead […]

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Thailand: Inflation rate base year changed

Thailand has changed the base years for its consumer and production price indexes to better reflect consumption and manufacturing amid the coronavius pandemic, the Commerce Ministry announced on Wednesday. The base year for the consumer price index (CPI) was changed from 2015 to 2019, the year when its latest population survey was completed and before […]

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Thailand: Easing of restrictions to vary in different Covid control zones

Authorities plan to keep greater Bangkok zoned red for maximum Covid-19 control, but restrictions on business and activities could be eased to varying degrees in other areas next month, a government spokesman said on Wednesday. Taweesilp Visanuyothin, spokesman for the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration, said the CCSA’s sub-committee on easing business and activity restrictions […]

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